AUTOTAF.ME HB88 - aviation weather forecast Tazovskij Pl. yamal

Today civil twilight begin 23:12 UTC, sunrise 00:07 UTC,
transit 06:40 UTC, sunset 13:12 UTC,
civil twilight end 14:08 UTC.

Current weather

SYNAR 23256 Тазовский 162100Z 02002MPS 9999 OVC004 07/07 Q1025 RMK QFE765/1021 CLD:8ST=

Short forecast Tazovskij Pl. yamal 9 hr

AUTOTAF.ME HB88 162200Z 1623/1708 34006KT 0200 FG BKN002 TX09/1707Z TN05/1623Z  
  FM170000 33006KT 2500 BR BKN002 
  BECMG 1700/1701 BKN004      
  FM170600 31006KT CAVOK

NOWCAST.SU HB88 162300Z 34006KT 0200 FG BKN001 05/04 Q1025 NOSIG

Table forecast Tazovskij Pl. yamal

Time (UTC) miniAUTOTAF 3 hr WX FZLVL
(deg C)
(deg C)
15 35010KT 0350 RA FG VV001 10/10 Q1022 +RA FG 2550 NIL NIL 10 10 97 1022 ...
16 36010KT 7000 -RA BR OVC019 10/09 Q1023 -RA BR 2550 NIL NIL 10 9 95 1023 ...
17 36010KT 9999 -RA BKN034 09/08 Q1023 -RA 2700 NIL NIL 9 8 93 1023 ...
18 36010KT 9999 FEW100 08/07 Q1024 2850 NIL NIL 8 7 91 1024 ...
19 01010KT 9999 FEW320 08/06 Q1024 2700 NIL NIL 8 6 91 1024 ...
20 01008KT 9999 SCT320 07/05 Q1024 2700 NIL NIL 7 5 92 1024 ...
21 36008KT 9999 SCT310 06/05 Q1025 2550 NIL NIL 6 5 93 1025 ...
22 36006KT 5000 BR OVC001 05/04 Q1025 BR 2550 NIL NIL 5 4 93 1025 ...
23 34006KT 0200 FG BKN001 05/04 Q1025 FG 2550 NIL NIL 5 4 92 1025 ...
00 33006KT 3000 BR BKN001 05/04 Q1026 BR 2400 NIL NIL 5 4 92 1026 ...
01 33006KT 3000 BR BKN005 05/04 Q1026 BR 2400 NIL NIL 5 4 92 1026 ...
02 33006KT 3000 BR BKN005 06/05 Q1026 BR 2400 NIL NIL 6 5 92 1026 ...
03 33006KT 3000 BR OVC005 06/05 Q1026 BR 2250 NIL NIL 6 5 92 1026 ...
04 32006KT 3000 BR OVC005 07/06 Q1026 BR 2250 NIL NIL 7 6 91 1026 ...
05 32006KT 3000 BR OVC005 07/06 Q1026 BR 2250 NIL NIL 7 6 89 1026 ...
06 31006KT 9999 OVC141 08/06 Q1026 2100 NIL NIL 8 6 86 1026 ...
07 31006KT 9999 BKN141 09/06 Q1026 2100 NIL NIL 9 6 82 1026 ...
08 30006KT 9999 FEW140 09/05 Q1026 2100 NIL NIL 9 5 77 1026 ...
09 30006KT 9999 FEW140 09/05 Q1026 2100 NIL NIL 9 5 74 1026 ...
10 30006KT 9999 FEW130 10/05 Q1025 2100 NIL NIL 10 5 73 1025 ...
11 30004KT 9999 BKN121 09/05 Q1025 2100 NIL NIL 9 5 74 1025 ...
12 VRB02KT 9999 BKN033 09/05 Q1025 2250 NIL NIL 9 5 75 1025 ...
13 VRB02KT 9999 BKN030 08/05 Q1025 2250 NIL NIL 8 5 77 1025 ...
14 VRB02KT 9999 SCT110 08/04 Q1024 2250 NIL NIL 8 4 80 1024 ...
15 VRB02KT 9999 FEW350 07/04 Q1024 2250 NIL NIL 7 4 82 1024 ...
16 16004KT 9999 OVC083 07/04 Q1024 2250 NIL NIL 7 4 84 1024 ...
17 16006KT 9999 OVC049 07/05 Q1023 2250 NIL NIL 7 5 86 1023 ...
18 17006KT 9999 OVC034 07/05 Q1023 2250 NIL NIL 7 5 88 1023 ...
19 16008KT 9999 OVC026 07/05 Q1022 2250 NIL NIL 7 5 89 1022 ...
20 15008KT 9999 OVC026 07/05 Q1022 2250 NIL NIL 7 5 89 1022 ...

Latitude 67.46257, longitude 78.65686, point altitude 27 m.
Mean area surface altitude 0 m.
Forecasts are updated 02, 08, 14, 20 UTC.

See also (external links):
Area lightning maps Tazovskij Pl. yamal (
Dynamic forecast maps (
Ceiling forecast map Tazovskij Pl. yamal (

The forecast is an experimental scientific and technical product and is not a substitute meteorological information provided by official state weather services.
The forecast is intended for personal scientific and educational use by individuals, it should not be used for making important decisions or performing actual aircraft flights.

For official meteorological information, contact the competent state authorities.
You can also purchase verified DWD AUTOTAF forecasts from the German weather service.

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